Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Link to Mr. Money Mustache. From Mike Lohre

This is your blog work for our last class!  Hope you enjoy this site as I've learned a ton from it.  I used it to buy a bike on Craiglist (great post) and I used it to make choices on buying used cars.  The biggest thing about this blog is it all helps you avoid debt and think twice about how you spend money.

The truth is that we can complain about goverment debt with good cause, but the government is a reflection of us, and we are a bit of a hypocrit unless we deal with our own financial habits first, and most Americans have a very dubious record with debt and money management.

This guy can truly help.

I hope you enjoy it and can find a post that is useful to you! Have fun!


There's the link to the Mr. Money Mustache blog so you can choose one specific article to read, of your choice.  Then tell us about it in the Comments section and give us a "best of" review.


  1. I read the post called "Are You Giving the Shaft to your Future Self?" This would be good to read if youre thinking about the future, about moving out of mom and dad's, about getting your own place and own job and what you should be looking when you move out. The 2 main points I got out of this was 1)Dont blow your money on something you dont need now, because you may need that money for something important later in life. Youll be sitting there looking at your hospital bill and thinking "man, I wish I wouldnt have bought that car last year, I could sure use the money now." And 2) "Youre borrowing from yourself" - taking out a loan is just a way of saying, "I cant pay for it now, but im sure I'll be able to later" when often times, you cant pay for it later. Remember, a car doesnt bring you wisdom, money, or skills, pets are never cheap, luxury may be nice now, but wont mean a thing later.

  2. I read "All Wheel Drive Does Not Make You Safer" by Mr. Money Mustache. I found this article very informative and interesting. The biggest part of this post was how all wheel drive is useless on paved roads, and how companies are telling consumers how AWD makes them safer. Mr. Money Mustache says that AWD lets you accelerate more quickly on slippery roads. This is usually a bad thing, because it masks the true slipperiness of the road from you, leading to overconfidence which will put you into the ditch, courtroom, or emergency room. AWD does, however, allow you to drive if you need to plow through unusually deep snow in conditions that would normally get you stuck (for example a steep snowy driveway, or if you run a snow plow). It’s also useful on extremely steep unpaved roads or in areas with no roads at all – places you are unlikely to need a car. This post was very informative and will make me think twice before worrying about whether or not I will need AWD for my driving expeditions.

  3. The post I read was Are You Giving the Shaft to your Future Self? I found this post very interesting. I really like his blunt way of writing. He hits home to me when he writers about Hard Work. He says Hard work will almost always help you know and in your future. I completely agree with this. One other thing that I believe made this blog post is how he talks about how you dont have to have a million dollars to live a great life. Everyone is always worried about money and that makes sense but for college kids like us trying to figure out what we want to do for the rest of our lives don't pick what is going to make the most money. Pick what you would love to do for the rest of your life because you can always make how ever much money you have work.

  4. I think this topic is very relevant with all of us driving cars. Whether they are new or used, I think this could come in handy in the future. This post basically talks about how doing repairs yourself is going to be a lot cheaper than hiring a mechanic. Doing things yourself can also help solve other problems that arise in the future, and not just for cars either. I think this post does a good job at giving you ideas on how to use resources that most of us have access to all the time to make things cheaper and doable.

  5. The post I decided to look at on the Mr Money Mustache blog was one titled "The 100% Off Black Friday Sale." Being one of the many Americans who decided to be crazy enough to actually go Black Friday shopping, I realized about half way through that every year the date the stores open is earlier than the previous year, therefore shortening Thanksgiving dinners, and allowing family members to leave a little earlier than the year before. It really made me think and almost made me a little guilty for having left dinner in order to participate in the annual Black Friday sales.

    Reading this post has made me think twice. MMM mentions that rather than spending all this money and falling into debt the last month of the year participating in all the holiday spending, we should work to construct our lives in a more meaningful, vigorous, innovative, and generally awesome life. MMM calls it Badass Friday, and encourages it to be an annual tradition. He mentions that his family skips the retail aspect of the holiday shopping, and instead finds fun and unique ways to make the holidays count in the company of his family; homemade gifts that actually mean something. He also mentions how there is more one-on-one time in the family than electronic time, saying that every Friday is a Movie Night, and that there's even a No Computer Day.

    I really enjoyed this post because it wasn't posted in a "this is what you NEED to do", dry manner, but rather it was humorous, funny, and still made a really good point. I enjoyed this post and hope you guys take the time to look at it:

  6. 'Stashtown, USA

    The blog post I read from Mr. Money Mustache is one that all of us should read a little down the road, for it is about where you should look to live and why! In this post he hits 6 main points that allow you to make a decision on where to live. The 6 points he talks about are Employment, Climate, Housing, Taxes, Culture, and Flaws. He says these are the most important points in the process of finding where to settle down because if any one of these 6 pieces is not what you want or feel is acceptable, then you will not fully enjoy your lifestyle. I feel as though I would recommend this blog post to anyone looking for a new community or anyone searching for a new place to start a family.

  7. The post i found interesting was the 3 fuel saving hacks for long road trips. This is really nice because with the price of gas these days it can save you a lot of money. It teaches you ways to prevent you from using unneeded gas. With this saving of gas itllsave you a ton of money. for example, he bought a $100 GPS and used it everywhere he went. with this, he traveled fewer miles which saved him on gas. This also showed him where turns and curves are so that you know when to coast. I recommend reading this. All of us would do anything to save money on gas.

  8. I read "Is Mr. Money Ruining Your Marriage". I must say this article was very entertaining! This women wrote to Mr. Money and was complaining the whole entire time because her husband was always reading his blog. She went into his office and found him reading blogs are work, which she greatly loved because he wasn't reading them during "their time". She was telling Mr. Money how they have a blow up bed as their couch in their tiny apartment. The women also said that all Mr. Money's post was about money and the blog posts are geared toward men. She said 50% of his readings are for men to relate to better.
    Mr. Money replied to the girl saying that her husband needed to read her 'Frugal Vs. Cheap'. Mr. Money expressed to the girl that he likes the luxury lifestyle. She expressed how Starbucks was a treat to them, and after pulling away from the speaker they both agree that the prices are ridiculous! I love how he was very sarcastic with the women because he was exactly right... her husband should read to her 'Frugal Vs. Cheap'.

  9. I love science and when i started strolling down the list I decided to read on of his recent blog post titled, Getting Rich with Science, and it was hilarious and informative.

    MMM goes on a slight rant of a man who is so in love with his air conditioning and doesn't realize how much money he is waisting. The AC Man says how he only spends an extra 50 dollars a month to keep his house cool and how everyone else is too worried and and will probably take that 50 bucks and use it on gas. MMM use wit and stats to show AC Man that you actually save around 100 dollars a month by not using air conditioning year round and in 10 years thats 17 grande and you can use that to open a business.

    MMM then calls out AC Man on his statement of how "climate control [is a] lie our government wants you to be afraid of so they can control you." MMM wonders how science, factual evidence, has become so mixed up with politics. MMM comes back to say how "science is your friend. It is the most use thing humans have ever developed, and there is absolutely no downside." That statement may be a stretch, but it sure made me laugh. He just wants his readers to embrace science and realize that there is so much information out there and worrying about is extremely counterproductive.

    MMM purposes three ways to allow science into your life. First, don't be so narrowed minded, because the second you convince yourself that you're perfect, the second you will start to NOT think critically. Second, be yourself and don't relay on so much. This will create more respect in relationships. And finally, let science do their thing. There is so much evidence released on so much topics everyday. Read, think about and done. Don't let it control your mind and become bitter about it, because there is nothing you can do about it. Science is there for everyday people to gain knowledge, that is it.

    His views may be a bit crazy, but the theme behind this blog post make sense.

  10. The post I read was called "Getting Rich with Science." The post was very intriguing. It started out with a comment a man had made on one of his previous blog posts. The man was arguing that he only saves $50 when he doesn't run is air conditioning and that he will run it everyday of the year. He also said that climate change was a lie instilled by the government and he was going to continue to do what he wanted. Mr. Money Mustache said that "it was time to put on the boxing gloves and deliver some education." First he says that science is your friend, which the man who made the comment had been totally against. Then he talks about three points you need to follow to get rich with science. People are worried about things they dont take the time to understand. Science is simply a way to gain knowledge.

  11. I read the post, " Are we really all doomed?". I really enjoyed this article and the author because he really seems like he knows how to present a lot of valuable information to the average person while still keeping the lessons relevant and making sense.

    This article tries to emphasize the point that one should not always live in fear of running out of money or even on a bigger scale the market crashing. Putting this thought in your mind will just make you live a life full of fear and worry. I really enjoyed one of his three main points when summing up the article which emphasizes the idea that one should produce moe for the world than they take from it.

  12. I read "Electric Bikes: Gateway Drug to Bike Commuting?" This was interesting for me to read because I didn't know that electric bikes have been made. In the post he mostly talked about some of the capabilities that this type of bike has as well as the price for some of the features. A chart on the post said that these bikes can go up to about 10-35 miles an hour, which is pretty impressive. Throughout most of the post he compares what the bike can do compared to a car and how there are about the same sort of technological advances for both. He did state that he always rode his ordinary bike around town and he also built his own electric bike. Overall this post had some comparisons to cars and offered price differences as well.

  13. I read the post "Frugal vs Cheap." I enjoyed this article because it was filled with sarcasm and humor. He used many personal examples from his own life and the media to give examples of people, who took their money saving habits too far. His post was about the difference between being smart with your money and going overboard on saving money. He explains as long as your saving habits do not embarrass others, then it is fine, but the minute you start bringing others down with you, then you have gone too far. He mentioned his grocery runs on his bicycle. He said it makes him look cheap because he is wearing old tattered clothing, but he said he would not wear those clothes to his daughter's graduation because it would embarrass her. He said as long as your habits make you happy and don't embarrass others then you are doing it correctly.

  14. I read Mr. Money Mustache post called "All Wheel Drive Does Not Make You Safer”. I found this article interesting and informative. The main point of this post was that all wheel drive is useless when used on paved roads. He talked about how companies tell their consumers how AWD is safer but. He says, “All wheel drive is a performance feature, not a safety feature. With all other things being equal, AWD lets you accelerate more quickly on slippery roads. This is usually a bad thing, because it masks the true slipperiness of the road from you, leading to overconfidence which will put you into the ditch, courtroom, or emergency room.” On the other hand, AWD allows you to drive if you need to plow through deep snow where you would normally get you stuck. It is also useful on extremely steep unpaved roads or in areas with no roads at all. This post was very informative, I have a front wheel drive car, and I’m happy to hear my car that my car can handle snow. This article taught me how AWD actually is and how safe it is.

  15. I read the Mr. Money Mustache post titled "Why you should Get your Shit Together Before you Make it Big" . This article was really interesting and something i have actually found myself thinking about. The post identifies "the Path of Successful Ass-Kicking is a narrow one, which runs between two perilous chasms". as the article continues Mr Money identifies that while making it big and getting paid very well the two categories people fall in are the people that work so hard at their jobs and do nothing but work hard and only find themselves good at their jobs. The other category is people that make a decent amount of money and pay their bills and have some cash leftover. this second category finds that they can not seek happiness and try and do so by seeking more profit to fill their void. So as Mr Money comes back to the original topic he says that there are steps to take before you make it big. The first step is to figure out if you have made it big. If you make 70,000 dollars a year and are under 40 then you have made it. After that start living an average life for roughly 10 years, then start saving money and placing cash back for independence later on in your life. The second step given by Mr Money is the power of no. This is literally just as it sounds and is using no when it comes to unnecessary valuables. There's no need to buy them and add stuff to your plate when you have friends, food, and a comfortable home. The final step by Mr Money is Be yourself and retain who you are no matter what. You may get fired from a company but then you may find yourself running your own company. Retain your rights and do not be bought by bigger companies. With these steps you'll have your "shit" together and will be exceptionally well financially later in life. This article was awesome and really opened my eyes!

  16. The artical I read is titled "If i woke up broke". It bassically talks about what he would do if he lost all his savings and money. He basically explaiins that he could get back to where he was with out going to crazy in about 5.5 years. the part i like is it basically explains a simple way to get to finacial freedom and also explains some easy ways to cut cost and spend less. It is importent because as college students we are starting our lives as finaceally free individuals and it is importent to start off on the right foot. The artical gives a snapshot on how to do that.

  17. The article I read is "How big is your circle of control?" The article talks about how you will have a much better life if you only focus on the things that you can control for yourself. As opposed to focusing on the forces you cant control which in turn would cause stress. He expresses these ideas through charts illustrating what is in your circle of control ( such as spending, what you learn, where you live, your workplace, etc) and your circle of concern ( including traffic, natural disasters, war, prices, etc). He talks about how in life you should always have a goal and a plan to get there. His example provided was to lead the happiest life possible for himself to do this he would need to live a long and healthy life. He also talked about what would make him happy is by making close relationships with others and helping others when they are in need. What I really liked at the end of the blog is that he gave the reader an assignment to monitor yourself and set a goal for yourself. This in turn gives the reader something to go off of and try. This post reminded me of a guy on YouTube I sometimes watch ,Shay Carl. He always talked about how he believes that happiness is a choice and that if there is anything in your life that you want to change (that makes you unhappy) you should go and do it. Overall I really enjoyed this article, he is able to get to the point clearly and quickly.


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