Introduction: I did this poem this morning before I drove up for my first class. I prefer to do things in the morning compared to at night because I feel refreshed and I believe some of my best ideas and thoughts come from after I have slept. When writing this poem, I chose to try to focus more on his experience and how the storyline eventually led to the connotation of the word "Twin Towers" that was mostly conceived by everyone before 9/11 occurred
Philippe Petite
"Its dirty, full of skyscrapers, I love it"
thought by the frenchmen coming up and seeing New York City.
At the base of the Twin Towers, "Its Impossible" he thought.
He climbed, Creeped and made is way up the tower to the top.
At the top he thought "Its Impossible"
looking across the NY skyline.
He climbed back down to the base of where he first emerged,
only to look back up and say "Its Possible"
As he and his assitants set up the 1 inch wire,
With a shot of a Bow and Arrow the wire flew
It cleared the 130 foot gap between the towers.
He stepped up, with balancing pole in hand and started to do what he could not live without.
With each step it became eaiser,
and with each easy step a crowd below began to form.
As they peered up to the dot of which was a man, they clapped and cheered
as he began to preform dances, tricks onto which they may look.
More than 8 passes on that 1 inch wire suspend 1/4 of a mile high,
passed 45 minutes of his time. He peered up to see a bird with red eyes,
like if it was a symbol from the gods to let him know his time is up.
With his last walk across, he ended where he started.
Cops waited for his arrival with cuffs in hands.
as Philippe Petite was taken down,
they asked what made him do this
and with a simple response he gave there was no reason, He just had to do it.
The year of 1974
Philippe Petite did the impossible.
That dirty city, those ugly towers that he loved so much
gained a face, a person, a figure to which they may call their very own.