Introduction: This poem took about 15-20 minutes for me to write. I used, I think, four out of the six Conventions of poetry that we wrote on the board. My poem was fairly brief, being only 16 lines. I used stanzas and rhyming. I did not include any alliteration or metaphors.
Accomplishing Great Heights
A half mile from the ground stood the towers.
To build his confidence it must've taken hours.
Twenty-four when he decided he wasn't able,
Yet he still crossed on one inch cable
His dream was larger than the two.
The preparation took longer than a few.
"It's impossible, but ill do it", he said.
The feet between them was two hundred.
He walked, bounced, danced, and laid.
The whole town cheered as he played.
The police charged him with nothing,
For he was only accomplishing something.
When your goal is right in front of you,
You shouldn't have to receive a clue.
Go grab it,
Go have it.
I really loved your poem! It was very well written!! I love that you had a lot of rhyming going on. In my opinion, I believe it grabs the readers attention!! Also I really love that you said "When your goal is right in front of you, You shouldn't have to receive a clue." That saying is very true because you should never have to get a clue on something your truly passionate about! Very nicely written!!