Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Philippe Petit Poem by Michael Trawinski

     This poem took me about a day to write. What I decided to do for this poem is to put it all into rhyming lines. All of the lines are enjammed lines as well. I decided to have myself be a person in the poem who experiences what Philippe Petit does on top of the World Trade Center. I, along with other onlookers, see something that astonishes all of us as Philippe Petit walks across a wire between the roofs of the tallest buildings in the world.

There once was a man named Philippe Petit
Who thought of a dream in disbelief.
It was something he was going to do
Not something he was going to lose.
I saw him do it one day
And I thought to myself no way.
He was standing on a wire
And he soon had the desire
To walk between the two towers
Which were and almighty power.

I watched spellbound as he walked
While the rest of us had not talked.
I came to think he was intelligent
His walk was so elegant.
He finally came down
And we applauded him out loud.
He was nothing much apart
For he had a dream as big as his heart.


  1. I love the perspective of this poem. How you are the on looker. I also love the upbeat rhythm and it makes me happy to know you saw/experienced such an amazing accomplishment.

  2. I really enjoy the rhyming and the tone of this poem. It makes it easy to read while giving it a rhythm, which makes the poem fun to read and easy to understand. Great job.


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