Please watch and watch actively. Take a few notes.
- Look for images or details that others might not notice.
- Think about the questions being asked and the sources used to get this story.
- Listen for key ideas and notable things that are said. Jot them down.
After watching the profile, use your notes and in the Comments section, respond by addressing these questions:
1) Share with us something from your active listening and viewing that you noticed that others may not have. Something said? An image? Use your notes to share something.
2) What is the purpose of this profile? What feelings or ideas did you take away from it?
3) Connection to your life. Does DJ remind you of anyone in your life? Do you have a friend or family member who has a disability or even a 'crazy' dream that reminds you in some way of DJ?
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DJ Gregory on the PGA tour. |
1) I think this video was extremely inspiring and it really showed that when you put your mind to something, regardless of what others say or do, you really can accomplish it. One thing that I absolutely loved was at the beginning of the video when DJ says, "for me a challenge would be possibly something nobody would think I could do, but in my own mind, I know I could do it." This was my favorite moment of the whole video because he really seemed very determined.
ReplyDelete2) I actually cried a little during the video because it was really an emotional journey not only for DJ but for his family as well. He was extremely positive and worked really hard the whole way and he never gave up on himself. DJ fell over two dozen times, yet he got up every single time and he endured 5 surgeries by the time he was in 1st grade. If that doesn't make us look back and be thankful for what we have, I don't know what will! I think the purpose was to show us how when you really put your mind to something you can do it, regardless.
3) My family is originally from Venezuela (South America) and my cousin always said when she was younger that one day she would be a famous singer. My family always nodded and pretended to believe that because the industry is really hard to get into. My cousin started auditioning for TV shows and little parts in plays, etc, until she was finally picked up by a record company about 8-9 years later, and now she's a famous singer from the 90s, early 2000s in Venezuela. She was told "no" a lot of times, but she never gave up because she knew that her dream was bigger than everyone that got in the way of her accomplishing it. She's one of my role models to this day!
Great job getting us started Elianna and I really enjoyed your response. I want to hear your cousin's music! Thanks for going right to work!
DeleteI too found this video very inspiring! The fact that DJ decided to walk the whole corse for 25 week is amazon! As they said in the video no one does that, but DJ does. The fact that he chose to do something every had doubts about him doing is amazing.
DeleteI loved your story about your cousin. No matter how many people doubted her she carried on with her dream and fulfilled her goal. It is great that you have her as a role model to look up to and talk with!
Delete1. When the narrator says that DJ had left his own footsteps across an entire sport at the end of the video, I had felt that this is what DJ's life is about. It's about what he wanted to do with his life from the very beginning. My favorite quote from the video came from him when he said "I will achieve my goal." This is what the entire video is about.
ReplyDelete2. I think that the idea of this profile is an accomplished dream similar to that of Philippe Petit, only DJ could not walk at all and he wanted to do something that a lot of normal people that do walk do on a regular basis. This profile video was to show how even if you are born different you can still tackle your dream and make it happen.
3. DJ's life can sometimes connect to my own life, even myself. I too have dreams that I just want to make happen. The only way to accomplish all of that is to think positively that I will make it there and learn from my mistakes as well as the mistakes of others.
DeleteI completely agree! I think we all have dreams we want to accomplish at some point in our lives and it's not always easy, but I really like how you said that the way to accomplish things is to think positively and to learn from mistakes we've made and others have made. I think it's a really good way to start, and I really hope you accomplish all of your life goals :)
I really like how you compared DJ to Petit. They both had dreams that were seemingly impossible, but they both achieved their goals because they put their minds to it and believed in themselves.
DeleteThe way I think of it is that this is how DJ made his mark in the sport that he loves. I would also like to do the same thing, i want to be able to leave my mark on something that i love. I like the way you make the connection between petit and i thinkit can also be connected to DubFx too. In that video Dub talks about how you have to go out and make your dreams happen and that is exactly what DJ did.
Delete1. I absolutely loved this video! One thing that really stood out to me was when DJ said "When you fall get back up. No matter what get up". I think this quote was perfect for D.J.'s story because during his life, he has had many falls. Not only physically but also emotionally. I also believe in this quote he said because in life, you never know what's going to happen. It's continually changing from day to day. When DJ decided to get up good things happened. He never thought he could walk over 900 miles but he did.
ReplyDelete2. This video was touching in so many ways. I actually started to cry because it moved me that much. I believe the purpose of this profile was to try the impossible. For DJ, it wasn't an easy accomplishment of walking over 900 miles, but he did it. I could not even imagine being told I would never walk a day in my life, than the next finishing walking across that many courses.
3. DJ reminds me of my best friends little brother. Jake is 15 years old and he can't walk, talk and has to be fed out of a feeding tube. Jake moves around by crawling all over the house. He knows the voice of his family and he just smiles. When Jake was born, the doctors told his mom that Jake wouldn't live more than 10 years. Jake has had many close calls, but he proved to everyone that he is still doing well. I wish people could see how Jake has impacted my life. My friend Megan and I try to include him in every aspect we can. Jake comes to all of Megan's sporting events and you can tell he enjoys himself. Even though Jake can't talk, I feel he has his own language. He has three other siblings that adore him and very supportive parents. At one point in my life, I wanted to become an Education Specialist because when I'm around kids like Jake, I feel like a different person. I'm so happy to have them in my life because they really bring out the best in you. I'm so happy Megan and I have been friends since the 4th grade because without her I would have never met Jake and since Jake is such a huge impact in my life I feel I wouldn't be the same person without him.
I agree, this video was very touching. If I was alone while watching it, I would not have held back my tears. But your story about Jake was so moving as well. What an amazing young man, and you make him sound so happy, which makes me happy. I'm so glad he has impacted you in such positive ways, isn't it amazing how people can do that? I'm happy that Jake and Megan are both in your life.
DeleteI really liked your story about Jake because he is going through the same problem as DJ. I think both DJ and Jake can have impacts peoples lives with the way that they know that they can live with the way they are and be proud of it.
Delete1. What really stood out to me is when DJ said, "I will have achieved my goal, something that I wanted to do, walk every event, every round, every hole, of the 2008 tour. I'll achieve my goal." when asked about the final walk on Sunday morning of the last round of the tour. It showed how much he cared about this feat, tearing up in the video; he was so proud of himself.
ReplyDelete2. I believe the purpose of this profile was to show the story of a man who overcame the 'impossible'. It shows all who watch it that you shouldn't listen to someone if they tell you that you can't do something. If you put your mind to it, and believe in yourself, anything is possible. DJ set a goal, and wasn't going to stop until he achieved that goal.
3. In the aspect of dreams that are difficult to achieve, I can relate to DJ. I want to become an actuary when I leave college, which, to myself as well as others, is a difficult title to achieve. Just like DJ, I realize that you can't let someone tell you that you wont be able to do something. If you work hard enough, you can achieve anything.
Jared, I think it's really neat you want to become an actuary when you graduate college. Like you said yourself, it's definitely not an easy task but I believe when someone puts their mind to something, they can accomplish any goal they set for themselves. I wish you the best of luck on accomplishing your dream. I think that would be fun to do myself. Best of luck!
DeleteJared, I really like how in your second answer you said "I believe the purpose of this profile was to show the story of a man who overcame the 'impossible'". I agree with that completely. I like how you put impossible in quotes because nothing is truly impossible. Anything is possible and can be done with had work and determination. You did a great job in your response. I wish you luck in achieving your goal of being an actuary!
DeleteI think it's interesting is that DJ wanted to play sports and be involved in sports since he was little. He didn't let the disabilities he had control how he wanted to live his life. I thought it was very motivational, not letting what anyone said to him bring him down.
ReplyDeleteI think the purpose of this profile was to inspire people. Motivate them to do things they normally wouldn't do. Because this shows that even biggest challenges can be conquered with enough effort persistence. What i got from it was that whatever I'm struggling with, I should continue to try again, again, and again.
I think the way this connects with me is that when I was younger, I used to be underweight, super skinny, and always the weakest out of my friend group. I eventually got tired of it so I decided that I wanted to workout to get stronger and bigger. One year later, I gained 25 lbs and I'm still continuing on my journey to gain even more weight and strength.
I think it's really neat that your still completing your goal. I hope you succeed. I know a lot of people get made fun of their weight whether your skinny or heavier. It seems it's always a loosing situation.
DeleteI completely agree with you in many ways. I find it amazing how DJ didn't let his disability stop him from accomplishing his goals. I also find his story inspiring because he went against all odds to complete his goal. He stands as a symbol that the impossible is possible as long as you keep trying.
DeleteI think it's great that you are continuing your journey! The fact that you go up and did something about your problem is very inspirational. I have been called too skinny my whole life and I have yet decided to change that but I find it empowering that you did it.
DeleteI completely agree with what the purpose of the profile. I think that the way you related to profile back to yourself can inspire many people. I think its really inspiring to hear part of your story.
DeleteI thought something a little different as far as what the purpose of the profile was but, I started to think about it and the way you described it really makes sense. i agree with you where you said "this shows that even biggest challenges can be conquered with enough effort persistence". I am a firm believer that anything can be done with hard work and enough persistence. You can't just give up on what you are doing. I like how you related your story to his profile also. Good Luck!
Delete1. Something i really noticed was when they said that the journey would be 900 miles and that nobody walked the whole thing. I think it made what he did even more impressive.
ReplyDelete2. I think the purpose was to show case a man who had a dream and achieved it. It leaves me with a feeling of happiness for him because he let nothing stop him.
3. This connects to my life because there is a kid at my church who has muscular dystrophy and is wheelchair bound. He also is a hugh sports fan, and he over comes his challenges without complaints.
900 miles IS amazing. How the video broke it down from courses to miles, it really hits you and makes you realize that 'crazy' dreams are possible. And great for the child at your church, I hope he keeps up his love for sports.
DeleteIt blew my mind that he walked 900 miles in 45 weeks! I don't know if I could let alone him! It inspires me that he did that and shows me that anything you set your mind to you can achieve!
DeleteIt is a very uplifting story that he has. The way that he just kept going showed that he really wanted to accomplish something in his life instead of looking like a failure.
Delete1. I loved this video, it was inspiring and touching, and overall incredible what DJ Gregory accomplished. What really made me happy was when they did flashbacks on Gregory's childhood and even though he was army crawling or standing with a walker or a crutch, he looked like an overall happy child. And I think because of his optimism and determination, at such a young age, he was not only able to stand but to accomplish his goal of walking over 900 miles in one season in the professional game of golf. Another thing that really stood out to me was when Gregory was in his interview and asked how his golf game was his response was "It sucks" with a chuckle. He struggles with something he loves so much but won't stop. He is not aiming for "perfection but possibility." The possibility of accomplishing something the doctors told him he wouldn't be able to, and he did it.
ReplyDelete2. I believe the purpose of this profile was to show people that reaching their dreams is possible. Even though others may have higher heralds to jump, that does not mean they will fail. They will just have to work hard, be strong and be determined to never give up. Cause once you finally accomplish your goal, you'll never look back (hopefully) and that is what they were really emphasizing through out this profile. What I took away from this profile was to stick with my major, I'm going into International Business, and everyone tells me it's difficult, then they I tell them I want to get into the fashion industry and they just shake their heads. But I don't care, this is what I love, this is what I want to do, and I will do it.
3. My brother-in-law, Bruce Beil, was the first person I thought of when 'crazy dreams' were asked. Bruce is currently enrolled in Dayton Law School and has come a very far way, he is now a senior and will be graduating top of his class and in Law Review (a club that you are asked to join because the members see you as a hard working student/impressive lawyer). Bruce has always been a hard worker and determined to go above and beyond exceptions, he wants to prove to his family and himself that he is able to become a credible lawyer. But Bruce doesn't aspire to be any find of lawyer, Bruce's true dream is to work for Disney as a lawyer. He has already talked to some people who have applied in the past and was informed that it's very competitive. But I know Bruce and his hard working ethics and I do believe that he has a very good shot at accomplishing his dreams. He is 100 percent determine, just like Gregory.
DeleteI think it's amazing that your brother-in-law wants to be a lawyer for Disney! That seems like such an amazing goal to accomplish. The fact that he was chosen to be part of the Law Review shows how passionate he is about accomplishing his goal. Although the program may be competitive, with the hard work he's put into getting his degree, I'm sure he'll get into the program, and then you'll be able to brag about your brother-in-law's amazing career to us :)
When you said "I don't care, that's what I want to do" that made my day. People tell me my dreams are crazy and sometimes I feel like no one else has outlandish dreams. Its good to know I'm not alone :)
Delete1. The part of the profile where DJ talks about his falls on the course stood out to me. He talked about how he knew he would fall, but he knew that he needed to learn from the fall and to not do it again. He told the audience that they can learn from their mistakes and to keep going. His father even said that everyone else gets back on that horse, so why not DJ.
ReplyDelete2. This profile was meant to show the inspiring story of DJ and his perseverance he showed to accomplish his outrageous dream. He stood as an example that the impossible can be possible. His story was one of many setbacks and obstacles in the way. The way he walked and the build of his legs caused him to develop blisters. He also exerts far more energy than most people in walking, let alone 900 miles of walking. His dream was impossible, but he did it. He served as an example of someone who followed their dream despite all odds. His profile serves as one meant to inspire others to follow their dreams no matter the odds because they are all possible.
3. I do not have anyone in my life that reminds me of DJ; however, I feel people like DJ should be encouraged to accomplish their crazy dreams. Some discourage people like DJ because their goals are unrealistic, but DJ proved even seemingly impossible goals can be accomplished. If I had someone like him I would want him/her to follow their dream despite all the odds. I would help them and support them the entire way.
That quote stood out to me the most as well and i agree when more people should take the lessons that DJ can teach us. Many people can learn from jis integrity, discipline, and determination.
Delete1. I thought it was interesting that he still went to college and got his degree. That, in itself, was very inspirational.
ReplyDelete2. The purpose of this profile is for people to realize that even though you might think you cant do something based on what people say or what might be wrong with you, you can still accomplish anything you said your mind to.
3. I personally have a "crazy" idea for myself. That is that I want to walk on and play college football next year and this story has inspired me to continue to follow my dream.
I also thought it was very cool how he got his college degree, because that hard enough to do especially with a disability. I think that you can do anything you set your mind to also.
DeleteI agree on the purpose of this video. It's important to push yourself and stay motivated in order to succeed. I also thought it was very interesting that you want to play college football next year. Don't let anyone stop you, good luck!
Delete"It's the walk that started the trail." This line really effected me and I'm sure most people probably didn't catch it or really understand what it meant. When you walk you are most likely walking on a trail but by saying it's the walk that left the trail means that DJ left a mark on everyone and has encouraged many to do what he's done and follow their dream.
ReplyDeleteThe purpose of this piece was to show that just because you are having a rough day you should always know that there are people out there that have it a lot worse than you do. This piece really made me see that you should chase your dream and no matter how many time you fall down or think you can't do it anymore you will always be able to get up and keep moving on.
This reminds me of my friends brother Joey. He has server Autism and can hardly say a whole sentence. Even though Joey is that he, he has never shown the slightest bit of wanting to give up. He always will try and put a smile on your face and once he does he smiles back at you with the biggest grin you could possibly ever see. Joey inspires me and so did this video.
I like the story you shared about Joey. It shows that you related to DJ and that Joey has made an impact on your life. Its nice to see someone that is inspired by someone that might not be a huge part of your life, but it still means something to you.
DeleteI agree that that was a very powerful line in the profile. It shows how long of a trail he has had in his life. I also like the story about Joey. I can see how he would inspire you and I'm sure he inspires many others.
DeleteI think it's interesting that you noticed the little details like that. I think little things like this can really add up to make a difference to the profile. I also think it's interesting that little lines or quotes like that can have a big enough meaning to make a difference to someone elses life.
Delete1. I feel that the opening image of DJ walking was a very emotion evoking scene. It prepares you to hear a story about someone that has overcome something and not let his disabilities stop him. When they showed him army crawling through his house you saw just how strong of a person he was and how he never gave up even at a young age. I also thought it was amazing to see how he taught himself to swing the golf club and he did it well even with a cane. When he went to college for sports management, he showed just how much he really loved sports. I also thought it was such a great thing that he walked every tournament. It really shows how strong of a person he is.
ReplyDelete2. I think the purpose of this was to show that no matter how hard you’ve got it in life, if you never give up you can accomplish anything you set out to do. The story made me feel sad at first but when you see how happy and accomplished DJ is today, it makes you feel so happy for him. You develop a sense of pride watching the video.
3. In my life I have an uncle named Richard, who was born mentally challenged. Although it limits a lot of things he does, he has never let it stop him. He remembers absolutely everything, from your birthday to the specific channels and time every show on TV is. He is a pretty amazing person.
I agree with you on how strong of a person DJ is. He talked about how he fell, but he knew he would. He knew he had to learn from it. This showed he was a strong person because he was willing to overcome the hardships and the setbacks in order to complete his goal.
DeleteThe part about your Uncle is such a testimate to will power. He never gave in or let it affect what was important to him. I love hearing stories like yours because it is reassuring to know that determination has such a role in making someone who they are.
Delete1. This entire video was very inspiring. However, the one thing that really stood out to me was when DJ said he was ashamed to see himself on television. He wasn't embarrassed about who he was as a person or what he has done, but that it's just hard to watch himself. Hearing DJ say that about himself was really shocking to hear because I felt so inspired by his story and it was upsetting to hear that he was embarrassed.
ReplyDelete2. I personally believe that the purpose of this profile was to show that you can overcome anything as long as you stay determined and never stop chasing your dreams. Watching this profile left me feeling really thankful for the life I've been given. It also made me feel really proud of DJ, like he was someone I knew on a personal level. He is truly someone to look up to.
3. I don't personally know anyone who reminds me of DJ. However I think we can both relate to having a "crazy" dream. When I was little and people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would respond with "an artist." Many people doubted me and even said that my dream was silly, just because it was not something that they themselves wanted to do. However, I will continue to pursue my dream of being a freelance artist and working at perfecting my skills every day. I would love to be able to inspire others through my art in the same way that DJ inspired the world through golf.
I can definitely relate with you on number three. I am undecided with my major. At first I thought that I wanted to major in zoology or become a veterinary technician because it was a safe option. However I have been thinking a lot about video production and film studies. But I know my parents and others will ask what can I do with a career afterwards which discourages me from doing something I'm interested in. However watching DJ's story inspired me.
Delete1. The thing that stuck out to me was when they said he endured 5 surgeries on his legs by the time he was in first grade. Just that little exert shows how much he went through starting at such an early age.
ReplyDelete2. I think the purpose of the profile was to show the world that anything can be accomplished. It also has the purpose of inspiring hope in others with diseases like his. I took away a feeling from this as a feeling of gratefulness. You don't really know how blessed you are everyday until you really think about it.
3.DJ reminds me of aspirations in general. In life, success is hard to achieve and involves a lot of hard work and dedication. DJ shows the world that dedication and determination can lead you to achieve anything.
1. A part of the profile that stood out to me the most was when they said that DJ had five surgeries on his legs before the first grade. Just thinking about how much time he had spent in the hospital and recovering from these surgeries made me really feel for him.
ReplyDelete2. The purpose of this video was to inspire different people to accomplish their dreams and goals. DJ overcame many obstacles in his life and he was able to achieve something that he set out for while inspiring others around him, like the professional golfers.
3. DJ's story really inspired me to set out and do something that I am passionate about. I think that a lot of the time when I have a goal or a dream I tend to discourage my self, let fear take over, and doubt myself for fear of failure. DJ said that "if you fall you get back up and learn from your mistakes and go ahead." He shows that it is okay to make mistakes and fail because each time you do you take it as a learning experience and improve upon your weaknesses.
I have the same problem of discouraging myself when thinking about my goals. But you're right with what DJ said, you cant let your mistakes stop you from doing what you want to do; you need to learn from them.
DeleteI wasn't sure that anyone else picked out that part of the amount of surgeries until i saw yours, and the fact that his legs were intertwined and then broken and feet faced outward so that way they can straighten them is mind blowing. Also the fact that his mother and fathers perseverance to have their son not wheelchair bound for the rest of their life gave DJ i believe something to look up to and imitate and put it to work in his own life and being able to go from what his was born with to what he did today is amazing as well.
DeleteI think the fact that he was able to endure that man surgeries is amazing. He must have been under a lot of stress and pain meds. I can't imagine what the parents were going through during that time.
Delete1.I think the people most overlooked in this video are his parents. Their decision to not take his diagnosis as an answer gave him hope. Most would be overwhelmed and would give in and let him waste away and not be able to walk. By keeping their words in alignment with their actions of rehab, DJ can be who he is today and pursue this dream. I love how the announcer gave him an opportunity. From that opportunity came the passion. From the passion came the dream. 900 miles. Unimaginable. I have been to PGA tournaments, and it is exhausting. I do not think I would be able to do what he had done.
ReplyDelete2. This profile did a lot more to inspire me than other things I have watched or read in the recent past. It hurt me when he said he was embarrassed to watch his own footage. What he has overcame is a testimony to others with the disease and by seeing him and his struggles, it makes everyone else stronger. It gives the whole golf community strength.
3. One of my good friend's younger sisters both have 90% vision loss and struggle to even operate on a daily basis. Despite this, they still play sports through organizations like Miracle League. They are refusing to let their condition limit their possibilities and who they wish to become in life.
I agree 100 percent when you say the parents are over looked. Parents have to stay just as strong and keep a positive attitude for there children as well. The parents really are the "make or break" for some people and I think here was one of those moments.
DeleteI honestly think your take to his parents was an incredible choice and i feel stupid for not even considering it! They are incredible and without them DJ wouldn't even have the life he does.
DeleteI think everyone should have to watch this video! His story is so inspiring and the dedication he has is unreal. There were many things that stood out to me in this video but by far the thing that hit my heart was when he talked about the falls. How he fell over and over again but he always got back up. That to me shows me so much about him and his attitude in life.
ReplyDeleteThe purpose of this video to me is simple. It sends a message loud and clear to be thankful for what you have. I have it so good compared to so many people and I take that for granite every day. I could not imagine having trouble just walking everyday. I also feel that he isn't doing this for attention but because he really wants to do things no one else thinks he could. by doing this he inspires others to follow there goals no matter how hard they may seem.
I have had 3 knee surgeries and it was the hardest times of my life. I could not imagine having five and being in casts and getting by bones cut off. The will and power it takes to keep going when everyone tells you you won't be able to do something is very hard. When I was ten a tore my knee the first time the doctors told me I wouldn't be able to play sports till I was sixteen. That was devastating. I can't imagine how he felt.
Hey Mason, I really liked what you said about the message of the video. I also wrote about how important it is not to take anything for granted. We should all be thankful for waht we have, no matter how big or how small.
Delete1. This is so inspiring, even though he was born that way DJ proves that determination can make anyone do anything. When he falls he gets up and learns from his mistakes. He walks every hole that every PGA golfer walks and they all say their exhausted by the end of the year, and find it inspiring that DJ can do that.
ReplyDelete2. The purpose of this video was to inspire people that no matter what your disability or condition dont let that rule your life. You can do it. He says "if you have a dream, go after it. dont let anyone get in your way."
3. When playing soccer in High school and on a travel team i got alot of injuries. I got a concussion that took me out of school for a month and made me have to retake all those classes I was taking because I forgot everything. I got a stress fracture in my right foot and then got a bone bruise in my right foot in a pre-season game the next year. I kept going back to soccer after i recovered but I decided to call it quits because I never wanted to go through that kind of concussion again. I thought Id never go back to normal or remember anything. I had the symptoms for 6 months after the concussion and had to have many tutors to help catch me up.
1.I think the best quote from this video profile was when DJ says " If I fall, I fall... Its just another challenge for me." even though DJ has faced many challenges he doesn't let that stop from doing what he loves. He had to develop his own way of playing golf and he also has walked about 900 miles each tour. And when he ask the pro golfer what are his biggest challenges on the golf course seem almost nothing to that of DJ.
ReplyDelete2.Overall this videos purpose to me is that nothing should stand in your way of accomplishing your goals. I admire DJ for his determination, discipline, and his integrity for not giving up.
3. The one person that i am reminded of is my Grandfather he had recently made a very difficult decision regarding his legs. My Grandfather is also an avid golfer as well and he made the decision to amputate his leg so his health wouldn't be affected by the infection that was spreading through his leg. I know he will be facing challenges in the near future because I know there is nothing that will keep him off the golf course just like DJ.
I can not agree more about the purpose. along with that is an incredible choice by your grandfather! It's awesome sometimes when people are faced with the hardest decision of their life and they make one that makes their life different but in the same way. When people have obstacles and are held back but they don't let that show it is incredible! Props to your grandfather and i really hope he doesnt let the golf course escape his life.
Delete1) The video was an incredible story and one of many. The thing that stood out to me was Dj’s honesty. He admitted he will not watch himself, he counted his falls, he just overall was very honest and that is what stood out most to me.
ReplyDelete2) The purpose of this profile is to inspire. As Dj said “a challenge is when others think I can’t do something, but in my head I know I can.” He is an inspiration to many with the come up from all his problems to his modesty of keeping track of them and still accomplishing what he did and knowing that outweighed the struggle.
3) In my life I have someone that reminds me of Dj and that would be my cousin Haley. Haley herself also has cerebral palsy and has troubles walking. Haley is still going through surgeries constantly, yet stands tall every day knowing she is no different from us. Haley is not quite as modest as Dj but she is a really cool to know. Haley too has a crazy dream but I do not think a date with Justin Bieber is as inspirational, personally speaking that is.
1) This video was incredible. It really shows you that any challenge you face can be done no matter how hard it seems. One thing that really stood out to me was when he said "i'm going to fall. Its going to happen. You just have to get back up". That was really inspiring to me. It shows that stuff will get in the way but you need to keep pushing to get where you want to be.
ReplyDelete2) The Purpose of this profile is to show that anything is possible. Dj says many times at the end of the video " I will achieve my goal". He is showing he will not give up on his goal no matter how crazy it seems to some people. He is the one to show that the impossible is possible as long as you put in handwork and have determination. Do not let anything drag you down.
3) My grandma really reminds me of Dj Gregory. She has been in pain and could barely walk for the past 7 years. She then found out that she had cancer about 3 years back. Despite all of this she did not let any of this stop her from doing the stuff she wanted. She still went on trips and acted like nothing was wrong. She was the strongest person i knew and wouldn't let anything stop her.
1) Some of the things that I had noticed while watching the video was that the video with him as a child and his parents cheering him on as he crawled kind of shows where he gets his spirit to persevere through his issues.
ReplyDelete2)The purpose I feel that this video shows is to not give up and let the little things in life keep you from doing what you love. The feeling I took away from the video was that if he can pursue his dream with such a huge disability that if I try hard enough I can pursue my dreams
3)A person I met that reminds me of DJ Gregory is my friend Paul Corey. He suffered from the effects of polio and needed a leg brace to walk. Despite this he went on to be a great man and an important leader and many great organizations and even holding a political office.